Chattanooga Stump Removal

Chattanooga Tree Service Inc has 3 stump grinders that will grind your stump below ground level, depending on your needs and of the layout of the land. We will make all of these possibilities clear to you as well as give you a price on the stump prior to grinding it. A small pile of fine chips will be where the stump once was or we can remove the chips for an additional fee. You can add soil and grow plants or grass where your tree once stood.

Stump being removed

Many customers want a stump removed immediately after tree removal. Chattanooga Tree Service can give you a better price on the stump when we grind it at the same time as performing tree removal. We can come back later when you call and grind it then as well.

Close up of a stump being removed

Other methods for stump removal can be frustrating. Excavators can pull up a stump with their big machines, but that will leave a huge hole that must be filled. This can be costly. Some try putting chemicals on the stump which is not only a very slow process of decaying the stump but is also not good for the environment as the chemicals leech into the soil around it and possibly contaminates water sources from run off.

Chattanooga Tree Service knows that its process for stump removal is the most efficient and pleasing way to finish the job of tree removal. Let us tell you what we can do for you.

Free quote are available by appointment, call (423) 899-5753 today.